Do you remember your favourite childhood stories?

The chances are you do; and they have had an impact on your understanding of yourself and the world around you.

Our own childhood memories are full of stories from books, well known fables and from the imagination of our eccentric parents, who told tales full of humour, nonsense and a twist of Irish mischief!  Many of these tales remain with us still.  Maybe it was these times that ignited our passion for stories and inspired us to become authors ourselves.

Stories are how we think; through stories we share all the emotions of excitement, wonderment, sadness, disappointment, apprehension and enlightenment. Stories allow us to understand ourselves better and to find our meaning and purpose and commonality with others.

Stories take place in the imagination. To the human brain, imagined experiences are processed the same as real experiences. By engaging our imagination, we identify with the characters and share their experiences which in turn allow us to see the world from a different perspective.  A well written story will stimulate empathy and challenge values and behaviour on a subconscious level provoking resolution.

Our unique story-drama books

We have read hundreds of books to many young ears! However, when we were looking for suitable stories for our programmes, we realised that we needed to design a whole new genre to support our sessions.  It was at this time that we found our hidden talents as authors and created story-drama!

In each of our personally written stories, there were many facets to consider:

  • Levels of interaction
  • Language to secure and extend vocabulary
  • A narrative structure that is familiar, predictable, and comforting to allow children to feel safe and confident
  • Stock characters
  • Themes to support education
  • A plot for children to relate to
  • Flexible plot to allow children to develop social, moral, cultural, spiritual and emotional understanding within different scenarios.

Mr Wizzle, our friendly wizard, takes children on a journey around the world to different geographical environments to share the antics of his friends. Each story-drama is exciting and interactive; inviting children to participate on both physical and cognitive levels. Children will use their unconscious creative imagination to identify with the characters, establish empathy and develop their understanding of their place in the world and others around them. From this they will seek and find meaning and relate it to their own personal lives. This may be either in the role of a character or as an independent listener to the story.”

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